Our Research
Ecological & evolutionary genomics

Systematics & phylogenomics
Our group integrates molecular and morphological data to refine molluscan taxonomy and improve the resolution of molluscan phylogeny. Currently, we're untangling the systematics of two western Atlantic genera, Chromolaichma and Felimida, and we're resolving deeper chromodorid phylogeny using sequence capture. We're particularly interested in developing our understanding of cryptic speciation in nudibranchs. Our group is also fascinated by parasitic eulimid gastropods for which very little molecular data exists for this speciose group. We're working towards building molecular datasets for these understudied molluscan groups, and more generally, our group is passionate about improving genomic resources for invertebrates. See some of our previous work in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, BMC Evolutionary Biology, and Ecology and Evolution.

Ecological & evolutionary genomics
Biodiversity is structured at different scales, meaning that to gain a deeper understanding of it, we need to hone in on the microevolutionary processes driving this diversity. We also know that climate change is driving extinctions in many taxonomic groups and that molluscs are one of the most endangered groups of animal in North America. Our group scans and compares genomes from multiple populations and species to look for signatures of local adaptation and integrates this information with ecological modelling to forecast biodiversity response to climate change. We're currently applying these methods to the highly endangered freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera), using non-invasive genetic sampling for downstream sequencing. This work is being led by Victoria Gillman, a PhD student in our group, and it stems from previous work completed during Kara's postdoc. See some of our previous work in Nature Climate Change and Global Change Biology

Our group participates in a number of local and global barcoding initiatives as part of BIOSCAN, and more recently, has begun to apply eDNA metabarcoding to better understand invertebrate biodiversity in critically important habitats. Currently, PhD student Ethan Ross is comparing the recovery of benthic invertebrate diversity from aqueous and sedimentary eDNA sampled from Scottish seagrass beds. As part of this work, we continue to build barcode reference libraries to support future eDNA applications. See some of our previous barcoding work published in Marine Policy, PLoS ONE, and Scientific Data.

Colour pattern variation & mimicry
Colour pattern variation in molluscs, and the processes governing it, is of central interest to our group. Our previous work on Chromodoris demonstrated that colour is highly variable and largely unreliable as a diagnostic morphological character. Most notably, we uncovered a near-perfect case of mimicry in Western Australian Chromodoris. From these early findings, we've become interested in the genomic basis of colour pattern variation in gastropods, and particularly, the role that introgression might play in the evolution of mimicry and colour patterns more broadly. Our group has since expanded this work to include additional polymorphic gastropods, including flamingo tongues (Cyphoma spp.). We've generated large SNP datasets and collected samples for RNAseq so we can combine genomic and gene expression data to identify regions controlling colour pattern polymorphism in these animals.

Museum genomics
Through the course of my career I've worked with many museum collections in Canada, the UK and Australia, among others. In fact, museum collections are an incredibly important resource for biodiversity research and form the basis of many projects in our lab. We use ethanol-preserved specimens (some >15yrs in age) for our sequence capture work, and since 2014, we've been trialling DNA extraction methods on dry mollusc shells. These collections allow us to fill important taxonomic gaps in our work, especially for endangered species that are otherwise difficult to sample in the wild.

New projects on the horizon
We're fascinated by many different invertebrate systems and evolutionary questions. We've started a new project with colleagues in Colombia to illuminate terrestrial snail biodiversity in paramo systems. For this work, we're particularly interested in the phenomenon of malacophily and understanding more about pollination services in molluscs. We're also continuing some of our earlier work in the Hiatella arctica species complex to better understand ecological speciation - stay tuned for progress on these projects!